Friday, October 24, 2008

new felt chair images

The latest incarnation of the felt chair. This model proposes an expandable seat that can accommodate a variety of spatial and conditions. As the chair expands the resultant pockets create storage. As each pocket is filled the seat becomes increasingly stronger in compression.

Monday, October 6, 2008

felt chair

Images of a chair project for work to create a chaise made from industrial felt. I realize Felt does not come with a car paint finish but one can dream. Not sure what the material restrictions are of Felt yet. Changes are sure to come.

grasshopper contour tool

Below are images of a project I have been developing at work to create a sectioning tool with the rhino plugin grasshopper. The model generates a contoured model of any object with the grain of the contours determined by a control line. Gaps between contours are also part of the model logic.