Monday, October 6, 2008

grasshopper contour tool

Below are images of a project I have been developing at work to create a sectioning tool with the rhino plugin grasshopper. The model generates a contoured model of any object with the grain of the contours determined by a control line. Gaps between contours are also part of the model logic.


Anonymous said...

Hi Daniel,

I'm a postgraduate architecture student studying at the University of Bath in England. I'm just taking my first tentative steps into the world of form finding using grasshopper. Rather foolishly I have chosen to learn these new techniques on a live studio project and am understandably struggling.

I am attempting to build a slicing tool, much like this one, and I was wondering if you would be willing to send me a copy of your file or a few screenshots of it so I can try to work out where I'm going wrong!

You an reach me on robin.davis.2002(at), let me know if you'd be willing to help me out.



Anonymous said...

Hi Daniel,

I'm a postgraduate architecture student studying at the University of Bath in England. I'm just taking my first tentative steps into the world of form finding using grasshopper. Rather foolishly I have chosen to learn these new techniques on a live studio project and am understandably struggling.

I am attempting to build a slicing tool, much like this one, and I was wondering if you would be willing to send me a copy of your file or a few screenshots of it so I can try to work out where I'm going wrong!

You an reach me on robin.davis.2002(at), let me know if you'd be willing to help me out.

